All News Articles

Successful PhD Defence - December 18, 2023

Florian Heinrich successfully defended his PhD thesis, titled "Projective Augmented Reality Techniques for the Navigation of Percutaneous Needle Insertion," on December 5, 2023... (more)

Honorable Mention for Best Poster at IEEE ISMAR - October 29, 2023

For the scientific contribution titled "Interactive Registration for robotic Augmented Reality: A Comparative Evaluation" Tonia Mielke in collaboration with Fabian Joeres, Danny Schott and Christian Hansen was awarded the Honorable Mention ... (more)

Successful PhD Defence - October 01, 2023

Julian Alpers successfully defended his PhD thesis on "Improving Thermal Cancer Treatment with 2D to 3D Heat Map Reconstruction" on September 22, 2023. The reviewers ... (more)

Best Paper Honorable Mention at IEEE VR 2023 - April 04, 2023

Danny Schott has been distinguished with a Best Paper Honorable Mention together with Matthias Kunz, Tom Wunderling, Florian Heinrich, Rüdiger Braun-Dullaeus and Christian Hansen for the scientific contribution... (more)

Successful Project Completion - November 04, 2022

After a project duration of almost 4 years, the BMBF-funded project "Development of Augmented and Virtual Multi-User Applications for Medical-Technical Exchange in Immersive Spaces" (AVATAR) was successfully completed... (more)

Successful PhD Defence - September 02, 2022

Vuthea Chheang successfully defended his PhD thesis on "Collaborative Virtual Reality for Laparoscopic Liver Surgery Training and Planning" on August 31, 2022. The reviewers of the thesis were Prof. Dr. Nigel John (University of Chester, UK)... (more)

Successful PhD Defence - April 08, 2022

Anneke Meyer successfully defended her PhD thesis on "Exploiting Supplementary Data and Knowledge for Improved CNN-based Segmentation of Prostate Structures in T2-weighted MRI" on March 30, 2022... (more)

Awards at the Medical Augmented Reality Summer School - March 17, 2022

From 30 August to 10 September 2021, a team from our group participated in the second edition of the Medical Augmented Reality Summer School.... (more)

Successful PhD Defence - January 12, 2022

Fabian Joeres successfully defended his PhD thesis on "Augmented Reality in Minimally Invasive Partial Nephrectomy" on December 13, 2021. The reviewers of the thesis were Prof. Dr. Stefanie Speidel... (more)

Karl-Heinz Hoehne Award for Florian Heinrich - September 22, 2021

Florian Heinrich received the Karl Heinz Hoehne Award for his work in the field of medical augmented reality visualization. Two articles published in the journal "IEEE Transaction on Visualization and Computer ... (more)

Impressions from IEEE VR Conference 2021 - April 12, 2021

The IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (IEEE VR) is the leading international event in the fields of virtual, augmented and mixed reality, showcasing groundbreaking research and accomplishments by virtual reality pioneers...... (more)

Successful PhD Defence - September 01, 2020

Benjamin Hatscher successfully defended his PhD thesis on "Touchless, Direct Input Methods for Human-Computer Interaction to Support Image-Guided Interventions" on August 28, 2019. The reviewers of the thesis were Prof. Dr. Raimund Dachselt ... (more)

2nd Place for worldwide touchless interaction contest - August 17, 2020

Our group member Danny Schott teamed up with Patrick Saalfeld from the Visualization group for Ultraleap's Beyond Touchscreens 3-week developer competition. They needed to develop ...... (more)

Best Presentation Award for Fabian Joeres - July 14, 2020

Fabian Joeres received the Best Presentation Award at the FIN Doctoral Symposium for his contribution "intraoperative software assistance for minimally invasive partial nephrectomy".... (more)

Research Award for Oleksii Bashkanov - January 16, 2020

Our new colleague Oleksii Bashkanov has received the FIN Research Award for students. The award is given by the Faculty of Computer Science (FIN) of the Otto-von-Gueircke University Magdeburg... (more)

Successful PhD Defence - November 24, 2019

Andre Mewes successfully defended his PhD thesis on "Projector-based Augmented Reality and Touchless Interaction to Support MRI-Guided Interventions" on November 21, 2019. ... (more)

Best Presentation Award - November 23, 2019

Gerd Schmidt received the Best Presentation Award at the IEEE EMBS Student Conference in Magdeburg for his scientific contribution "Intraoperative Distance Estimation usinng AR-Visualization and Auditory Display".... (more)

Best Poster Award - November 14, 2019

Florian Heinrich has been distinguished with a Best Poster Award together with Gerd Schmidt, Dr. med. Florian Jungmann and Jun.-Prof. Dr. Christian Hansen for the scientific contribution "Augmented Reality Visualisation Concepts ... (more)

Teaching Award - October 31, 2019

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Christian Hansen received a teaching award for the seminar Human-Computer Interfaces in Medicine. The seminar was ranked as the third best seminar at the faculty of computer science in winter semester 2018/19 ... (more)

DAAD Prize for Suhita Ghosh - October 02, 2019

Suhita Ghosh, who is currently writing her Master's thesis in the CAS group, was awarded the DAAD Prize for Outstanding Achievements. The DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) is a joint institution of German universities ... (more)

Encouragement Award for Mareike Gabele - July 23, 2019

Mareike Gabele has been distinguished with an Encouragement Award at the International Conference on Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction (IHCI). Mareike is a PhD student at the research campus STIMULATE and conducts a cooperative PhD project ... (more)

Outstanding Master Thesis - July 18, 2019

We are proud that the master thesis of our former master student Philipp Ernst was recommended by the Faculty of Computer Science of the Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg for the "Award des Fakultaetstages Informatik... (more)

New DFG project - July 16, 2019

Our project proposal "Improving Spatial Perception for Medical Augmented Reality with Interactable Depth Layers" was accepted for funding by the German Research Foundation (DFG). Within the next three years, we will... (more)

MICCAI paper accepted - June 05, 2019

We are excited that our group will be represented at MICCAI 2019 in Shenzhen together with the research campus STIMULATE. The contribution of Philipp Ernst, a former Master student of us and now... (more)

Successful completion of student projects - March 08, 2019

In cooperation with the Chair of Visualization (Prof. Bernhard Preim, Dr. Patrick Saalfeld) and the research campus STIMULATE (Prof. Rose), a number of student projects in the field of AR/VR have recently been successfully completed.... (more)

New cooperation with Chungbuk National University, South Korea - February 18, 2019

Christian Hansen and Vuthea Chheang visited the Department of Computer Science of Chungbuk National University in Cheongju, South Korea to discuss a future cooperation with Prof. Kwan-Hee Yoo in the field of Virtual Reality Interaction. ... (more)

Start of new BMBF-Project AVATAR - October 15, 2018

On October 12, 2018, the kick-off meeting for the new BMBF-funded project AVATAR took place at the Faculty of Computer Science at Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg. Under the direction of Jun.-Prof. Dr. Christian Hansen, AVATAR will ... (more)

New PhD/Post-Doc positions - July 11, 2018

There are two new vacancies from the VIS/CAS Group in the field of Virtual Reality in surgical training: PhD Student in the field of VR-Interaction, Post-Doc Researcher in the field of VR-Interaction. Please contact Christian Hansen for more details.... (more)

Visit of NA-MIC Project Week - July 05, 2018

Thanks to funding from the STIMULATE research campus, our colleagues Anneke Meyer, Gino Gulamhussene and Marko Rak were able to attend the 28th NA-MIC Project Week in Gran Canaria, Spain. Endorsed by the ... (more)

Presentation at IEEE ISBI 2018 - May 11, 2018

Anneke Meyer attended the 15th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI) in Washington, D.C. from April 3rd to April 7th. The ISBI brought together more than 700 researchers from biological and medical imaging.... (more)

Successful PhD Defense - February 27, 2018

Marko Rak, researcher at the research campus STIMULATE and the Faculty of Computer Science of the Otto-von-Guericke University, successfully defended his PhD thesis on "Image Analysis in Public Health Studies... (more)

Expansion of our VR/AR laboratory - February 02, 2018

We have received new funding to expand our VR/AR laboratory with five high-end workstations and several new 3D input devices. The equipment is funded by an internal grant... (more)

Successful PhD Defense - January 18, 2018

Mengfei Li successfully defended his PhD thesis on the topic "Toward a Robust Electromagnetic Tracking System for Use in Medical Applications". Congratulations! It is the first successfully completed dissertation in the CAS group. ... (more)

NVIDIA GPU Grant - December 12, 2017

Marko Rak and Christian Hansen, scientists at the STIMULATE research campus and the Faculty of Computer Science, were awarded a NVIDIA GPU Grant.... (more)

Award for Florian Heinrich - November 30, 2017

Florian Heinrich, a PhD student at the STIMULATE research campus and the Faculty of Computer Science, was awarded as the best Master's graduate of the Faculty of Computer Science of the 2016/17 graduation year.... (more)

Young Talent Development Programme - November 21, 2017

Anneke Meyer and Mareike Gabele have been accepted into the COMETiN programme to promote young female scientists at the Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg.... (more)

Best Paper Award - November 01, 2017

Marko Rak, researcher at the research campus STIMULATE and the Faculty of Computer Science at the Otto-von-Guericke University, has been distinguished with a Best Paper Award (Honorable Mention)... (more)

New Guest Lecturer - October 26, 2017

Dr. Sandy Engelhardt will represent the professorship of Computer-Assisted Surgery this semester. During this time, she collaborates closely with the Chairs of CAS and Visualization... (more)

Project Meeting at the Games Institute at the University of Waterloo - October 17, 2017

Within the scope of the project "Foot-Eye Interaction to Control Medical Software Under Sterile Conditions", a two-day project meeting with Prof. Dr. Lennart Nacke (Games Institute, University of Waterloo, Canada) took place.... (more)

MuC Research Award - September 13, 2017

Benjamin Hatscher, Maria Luz and Christian Hansen were awarded with the MuC research award for the best paper at the "Mensch und Computer" conference (MuC) in Regensburg. With more than 700 participants, the MuC is one of... (more)

New Deep Learning Workstations - July 18, 2017

Anneke Meyer (Computer Assisted Surgery Group, Faculty of Computer Science) and Johannes Steffen (Image Processing Group, Faculty of Computer Science) successfully applied for two new Deep Learning Workstations. With the new workstations... (more)

Teaching Award - June 21, 2017

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Christian Hansen received a teaching award for the lecture Computer-Assisted Surgery. The lecture was ranked as the best lecture at the faculty of computer science in winter semester... (more)

VDI Award 2017 for Gino Gulamhussene - June 18, 2017

Gino Gulamhussene received the VDI promotional award (VDI Förderpreis) for his research on automatic calculation of optical blend mask for 3D projections. The research was performed in cooperation with ... (more)

New Project with the University of Waterloo - May 24, 2017

This month heralds the launch of a new project in collaboration with the University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. For the next two years, medical engineers and computer scientists from the research campus STIMULATE will cooperate with scientists... (more)

DFG Research Fellowship for Christian Hansen - March 01, 2017

Christian Hansen received a 12-month research grant from the German Research Foundation (DFG Research Fellowship). During a research stay at the Surgical Planning Laboratory, Brigham and Womens Hospital... (more)

Travel Grant for Anneke Meyer - February 10, 2017

Anneke Meyer (CAS group, University of Magdeburg) successfully applied for a travelling grant from the BMBF's Professorinnen Program II. The grant amount of 5000 Euros will allow her to stay for one month in Boston, USA... (more)

Teaching Award - January 11, 2017

During the annual kick-off event of the Faculty of Computer Science at Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Jun.-Prof. Dr. Christian Hansen received a teaching award for the second best scientific seminar in summer semester 2016... (more)

New EU-funded Research Project - November 16, 2016

Our project proposal "Automatic Online-Service to Generate Patient-Individual 3D Models to Support Therapy Decisions" was accepted for funding by the European Union and the state of Saxony-Anhalt with money from the European Fund for Regional Development.... (more)

CURAC Mobility Grant for Benjamin Hatscher - October 01, 2016

Benjamin Hatscher (CAS group, University of Magdeburg) was awarded with a mobility grant by the German Society for Computer- and Robot-Assisted Surgery (CURAC). Benjamin works at the research campus STIMULATE ... (more)

Teaching Award - June 28, 2016

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Christian Hansen received a teaching award for the lecture Three-Dimensional and Advanced Interaction. The lecture is was ranked as the second best lecture at the faculty of computer science in winter semester 2015/16. ... (more)

New DFG-funded Project - January 29, 2016

Our project proposal "Improving Spatial Perception for Medical Augmented Reality using Illustrative Rendering and Auditory Display" was accepted for funding by the German Research Foundation (DFG). Within the next three years, we will investigate methods ... (more)

Teaching Award - January 19, 2016

During the annual kick-off event of the Faculty of Computer Science at Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Jun.-Prof. Dr. Christian Hansen received the teaching award for the best scientific seminar in summer semester 2015. The award was handed out by... (more)

New Team Member - January 04, 2016

Benjamin Hatscher joint our team in January 2016. Prior to that, he worked at Hochschule Magdeburg-Stendal in the research group SPiRIT. Benjamin holds a master of arts in interaction design. In the CAS group, he will support our research in the field of ... (more)

STIMULATE at CARS Conference - June 26, 2015

The Forschungscampus STIMULATE and the INKA project are represented with six scientific contributions at the International Congress of Computer-Assisted Radiology and Surgery (CARS) from June 24 to 27, 2015 in Barcelona. Furthermore, the program committee... (more)

New Laboratory - February 20, 2015

Our group moved to a new research laboratory! The lab is provided by the research campus STIMULATE and is directly located in the ExFa building close to the Otto-von-Guericke University of Magdeburg. Our new lab allows lager experimental setups compared t... (more)

New team member - January 25, 2015

We welcome Mengfei Li in our group. Mengfei started his PhD in 2012 at the chair of Healthcare Telematics and Medical Engineering (headed by Prof. Georg Rose). Prior to that, he studied Electrical Engineering at the Otto-von-Guericke University Magdebur... (more)

CURAC Mobility Grant for Christian Hansen - September 13, 2014

Christian Hansen was awarded with a mobility grant by the German Society for Computer- and Robot-Assisted Surgery (CURAC). The grant should help to initiate a collaboration with the ARTORG Center for Biomedical Engineering Research ... (more)

STIMULATE funding period extended to 2019 - June 06, 2014

After a successful 1-year test phase, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) decided to support the Research Campus STIMULATE for another period of 5 years. This is a great success for the STIMULATE team headed by Prof. Georg Rose. ... (more)

André Mewes received doctoral scholarship - May 14, 2014

Andre Mewes was selected for a 3-year scholarship from the SAP University Competence Center (UCC). He recently graduated with distinction in the field of mechatronics. His Master's thesis focused on medical augmented reality during radiological interventi... (more)

New team members - May 01, 2014

Alena Kathrin-Schnurr and Anneke Meyer, both students of Computational Visualisitcs in Magdeburg, joined the CAS team in April 2014. They will work in a new research project in the field of interventional planning in strong collaboration with the ARTORG C... (more)

Student Excursion to BrainLab AG, Munich - December 18, 2013

In February 2014, we are planning an excursion to BrainLab. BrainLab is located close to Munich and is one of the leading companies in the field of computer-assisted surgery. Interested students should contact Rocco Gasteiger (http://isgwww.cs.uni-magdebu... (more)

Paper accepted for International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery - October 18, 2013

Our journal paper "Impact of model-based risk analysis for liver surgery planning" (authors: C. Hansen, S. Zidowitz, B. Preim, G. Stavrou, K. J. Oldhafer, H. K. Hahn) was accepted for publication in the International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology... (more)

Conference Paper accepted for SPIE Medical Imaging in San Diego, USA - October 11, 2013

Our paper "Segmentation and separation of venous vasculatures in liver CT images" (authors: Lei Wang, Christian Hansen, Stephan Zidowitz, Horst Hahn) was accepted for oral presentation at "Computer-Aided Diagnosis". This conference is part of SPIE Medic... (more)

Christian Hansen Begins Junior Professorship at Otto-von-Guericke University in Magdeburg - September 26, 2013

On September 1, 2013, Dr. Christian Hansen moved to the Otto-von-Guericke University in Magdeburg. There, he takes the role of junior professor for computer-assisted surgery at the Institute for Simulation and Graphics in the Department of Computer Scienc... (more)

Two Papers accepted for CURAC Conference in Innsbruck - September 12, 2013

Our submissions "Auditory Support for Navigated Radiofrequency Ablation" and "Interactive Segmentation of Vascular Structures in CT Images for Liver Surgery Planning" were accepted for publication in the proceedings of the CURAC, the annual meeting of the... (more)