Lovis Schwenderling, M.Sc.

Research Assistant

Faculty of Computer Science
Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg

Office: G82-167
Phone: ++49 391 67-59349
ed.ugvo.sc.gsi@gnilrednewhcs :liaM-E

Scientific Publications

Schwenderling, L., Hanke, L., Holst, U., Huettl, F., Joeres, F., Huber, T., Hansen, C. (2025)
Toward Structured Abdominal Examination Training using Augmented Reality
International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, accepted
Wagnerberger, D., Schott, D, Schwenderling, L., Hansen, C., Schumacher, D. (2024)
Empowering Patients: Improve Gender-Sensitive Medical Knowledge Through Interactive Edutainment
Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (NordiCHI), 78, pp. 1-12
Schott, D., Kunz, M., Mandel, J., Heinrich, F., Schwenderling, L., Braun-Dullaeus, R., Hansen, C. (2024)
An AR-Based Multi-User Learning Environment for Anatomy Seminars
IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW), pp. 949-950
Schwenderling, V., Herbrich, W., Joeres, F., Hansen, C. (2024)
A Novel Framework for Hand Visualization in Web-based Collaborative XR
IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW), pp. 18-23
Schreiter, J., Schott, D., Schwenderling, L., Hansen, C., Heinrich, F., Joeres, F. (2022)
AR-Supported Supervision of Conditional Autonomous Robots: Considerations for Pedicle Screw Placement in the Future
Journal of Imaging, Special Issue Medical Augmented Reality Summer School (MARSS), 8(10), pp. 255
Schwenderling, L., Kleinau, A., Herbrich, W., Kasireddy, H., Heinrich, F., Hansen, C. (2022)
Activation Modes for Gesture-based Interaction with a Magic Lens in AR Anatomy Visualisation
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging & Visualization, pp. 1243-1250
Schwenderling, L., Heinrich, F., Hansen, C. (2022)
Augmented Reality Visualization of Automated Path Planning for Percutaneous Interventions: A Phantom Study
International Journal of Computer-Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 17, pp. 2071-2079
Heinrich, F., Schwenderling, L., Joeres, F., Hansen, C. (2022)
2D versus 3D: A Comparison of Needle Navigation Concepts between Augmented Reality Display Devices
IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR), Christchurch, New Zealand, pp. 260-269
Schwenderling, L. (2021)
Intraoperative Augmented Reality Visualisierung einer automatisierten Pfadplanung fuer perkutane Interventionen
Masters Thesis, Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Faculty of Computer Science, Magdeburg, Germany
Heinrich, F., Schwenderling, L., Streuber, M., Bornemann, K., Lawonn, L., Hansen, C. (2021)
Effects of Surface Visualizations on Depth Perception in Projective Augmented Reality
IEEE International Conference on Human-Machine Systems (ICHMS), pp. 1-6
Schwenderling, L., Hansen, C., Heinrich, F. (2021)
AR Visualization of Automated Access Path Planning for Percutaneous Interventions
Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering, 7(1), pp. 20211112
Heinrich, F., Schwenderling, L., Joeres, F., Lawonn, K., Hansen, C. (2020)
Comparison of Augmented Reality Display Techniques to Support Medical Needle Insertion
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), 26(12), pp. 3568-3575
Heinrich, F., Schwenderling, L., Becker, M., Skalej, M., Hansen, C. (2019)
HoloInjection: Augmented Reality Support for CT-guided Spinal Needle Injections
IET Healthcare Technology Letters, 6, pp. 165-171
Schwenderling, L. (2019)
Augmented-Reality-Unterstuetzung bei CT-gesteuerter periradikulaerer Therapie mit Hilfe der Microsoft HoloLens
Bachelor Thesis, Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Faculty of Computer Science, Magdeburg, Germany