Oleksii Bashkanov, M.Sc.

Research Assistant

Faculty of Computer Science
Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg

Office: G82-178
Phone: ++49 391 67-57026
ed.ugvo@vonakhsab.iiskelo :liaM-E

Scientific Publications

Bashkanov, O., Rak, M., Engelage, L., Hansen, C. (2024)
Augmenting Prostate MRI Dataset with Synthetic Volumetric Images from Zone-conditioned Diffusion Generative Model
MICCAI Workshop Deep Generative Models (DGM4MICCAI), accepted
Gulamhussene, G., Bashkanov, O., Omari, J., Pech, M., Hansen, C., Rak, M. (2023)
Using Training Samples as Transitive Information Bridges in Predicted 4D MRI
MICCAI Workshop on Medical Image Learning with noisy and Limited Data (MILLanD), pp. 237-245
Gulamhussene, G., Rak, M., Bashkanov, O., Joeres, F., Omari, J., Pech, M., Hansen, C. (2023)
Transfer-Learning is a Key Ingredient to Fast Deep Learning-Based 4D Liver MRI Reconstruction
Nature Scientific Reports, 13, pp. 11227
Bashkanov, O., Rak, M., Engelage, L., Lumiani, A., Muschter, R. Hansen, C. (2023)
Automatic Detection of Prostate Cancer Grades and Chronic Prostatitis in Biparametric MRI
Journal Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 239, pp. 107624
Bashkanov, O., Rak, M., Engelage, L., Hansen, C. (2023)
Automatic Patient-level Diagnosis of Prostate Disease with Fused 3D MRI and Tabular Clinical Data
Medical Imaging with Deep Learning (MIDL), pp. 128:1–14
Gulamhussene, G., Meyer, A., Rak, M., Bashkanov, O., Omari, J., Pech, M., Hansen, C. (2022)
Predicting 4D Liver MRI for MR-guided Interventions
Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 101, pp. 102122
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Meyer, A., Mehrtash, A., Rak, M., Bashkanov, O., Langbein, B., Ziaei, A., Kibel, A., Tempany, C., Hansen, C., Tokuda, J. (2021)
Domain Adaptation for Segmentation of Critical Structures for Prostate Cancer Therapy
Nature Scientific Reports, 11, pp. 11480
Bashkanov, O., Meyer, A., Schindele, D., Schostak, M., Toennies, K., Hansen, C., Rak, M. (2021)
Learning Multi-Modal Volumetric Prostate Registration with Weak Inter-Subject Spatial Correspondence
Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), Nice, France, pp. 1817-1821
Bashkanov, O., Saalfeld, P., Gunasekaran, H., Jabaraj, M., Preim, B., Huber, T., Huettl, F., Kneist, W., Hansen, C. (2019)
VR Multi-User Conference Room for Surgery Planning
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the German Society of Computer- and Robot-Assisted Surgery (CURAC), Reutlingen, Germany, in print