New DFG-funded Project
Our project proposal “Improving Spatial Perception for Medical Augmented Reality using Illustrative Rendering and Auditory Display” was accepted for funding by the German Research Foundation (DFG).
Within the next three years, we will investigate methods to encode spatial information by using illustrative visualization techniques and auditory display. The results of our project should provide new insights for encoding spatial information in medical AR. The insights could be utilized to reduce incorrect spatial interpretation in medical AR, to enhance established AR visualization methods, and to aid medical experts to reduce risks during image-guided interventions.
The project will be carried out in direct cooperation between the University of Magdeburg (Jun.-Prof. Dr. Christian Hansen), and the University of Koblenz-Landau (Jun.-Prof. Dr. Kai Lawonn). Main partners are the Medical School Hannover (Prof. Dr. Frank Wacker), and the Technical University Berlin (Prof. Dr. Dietrich Manzey).