Dr. Mareen Allgaier

Research Scientist

Faculty of Computer Science
Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg

Office: G82-162
Phone: ++49 391 67-57451
ed.grubedgam-inu.sc.gsi@neeram :liaM-E

Scientific Publications

Allgaier, M., Dangszat, E., Huettl, J., Hanke, L., Huber, T., Preim, B., Hansen, C. (2025)
Impact of Input and Output Devices on a Virtual Ultrasound Training
IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW), in print
Allgaier, M., Huettl, F., Hanka, L., Huber, T., Preim, B., Saalfeld, S., Hansen, C. (2024)
Gamification Concepts for a VR-based Visuospatial Training for Intraoperative Liver Ultrasound
CHI Extended Abstracts, 175, pp. 1-8
Allgaier, M., Huettl, F., Hanka, L., Lang, H., Huber, T., Preim, B., Saalfeld, S., Hansen, C. (2023)
LiVRSono - Virtual Reality Training with Haptics for Intraoperative Ultrasound
IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), 980-989
Allgaier, M., Chheang, V., Saalfeld, P., Apilla, V., Huber, T., Huettl, F., Neyazi, B., Sandalcioglu, E., Hansen, C., Preim, B., Saalfeld, S. (2022)
A Comparison of Input Devices for Precise Interaction Tasks in VR-based Surgical Planning and Training
Computers in Biology and Medicine, 145, pp. 105429